Welcome to Hope Academy!
Welcome to Hope. Hope Academy is a place for students to learn in a Christ Centered environment, while partnering with parents looking for additional resources in home schooling. By offering a mix of both core and elective classes, parents can find assistance and relief in the areas of planning, teaching and grading. It is our desire for Hope to be a place for learning, community and fun!
Our Values
- Christ Centered
- Family Focused
- Partnership
- Engaging and Fun

Reasons to Choose Us
- Administration has years of experience in educating children of all ages and learning styles and we are here to partner with you.
- We are centrally located at Sycamore Presbyterian Church, which offers a community playground and a public library across the street for parents wishing to stick around with smaller kids in tow.
- We are a grass roots start up after seeing such a huge need in our community for more co-op options, get in while there is still room as we grow.
- Our desire is not only to educate the kids but to grow their “mission mindedness” with multiple opportunities during the year to serve our local community and beyond.
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Our Staff
Meet the dedicated and passionate team who form the heart of Hope Academy, bringing our unique vision of family focused, student-driven learning to life every day.
Mission Statement
Equipping the next generation to anchor themselves to the HOPE of Christ Jesus by teaching them to love the Lord with all their hearts, souls and MINDS.

Statement of Faith & Hope Handbook
This is our foundation of beliefs on which Hope Academy is based. They are also the key elements of Protestant Christianity that will be unapologetically taught in various ways through all grade levels.